Anderson Vacation App


About the Project

The Anderson Vacation App was a fun project designed solely for my girlfriend at the time's family & friends. The idea behind the app was to create a private space for the family to share all of their family vacation photos, sort of like a mock-instagram, accessible only to a few.

A secret token was required to create an account on the app, which was distributed to family & friends. Once signed up, users could post images, leave comments, and even download each other's uploaded content.


  • Email & Password Authentication
  • Access Control
  • Image Sharing
  • Downloadable Content
  • Mobile Friendly


  • UX Design - css3 / bootstrap
  • Scalable Database - mongodb
  • Session Handling - jwt & nookies
  • Image Uploading & Compression - cloudinary api
  • SSR - nextjs
  • HTTP Requests - axios
  • Deployment - heroku